20th ELTA Serbia Conference in Belgrade Call for Papers
Dear IATEFLers!
20th ELTA Serbia Conference will be held on 13th-14th May 2022 in Belgrade.
All of you are invited to participate, but we will be more than happy to send the representative of IATEFL Poland!
If you are interested in representing us, please send your bios, photo, contact details (phone number and email address) and a short abstract of your talk to Magdalena Kaźmierkiewicz, IATEFL Poland International Officer: international@iatefl.org.pl till Wednesday, 2nd March.
The conference is thought to be organized as a face-to-face event, more
information can be found here: https://elta.org.rs/2021/10/20/20th-elta-conference/
Looking forward to hearing from you,