
IATEFL Event Gdańsk 6th December

International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Poland IATEFL POLAND (
invites you to a unique training event

Educational escape room for your class, change your lesson into adventure!

6th December 2019, 4.00 pm – 7.15 pm 

Say&Play Sopot School of English, ul. Kościuszki 35/2,
81-807 Sopot
(close to Sopot railway station)  4.00-4.10 Welcome session
4.10-5.30 Escape room, presentation & workshop by Magdalena Wiczyńska-Siwy
5.30-5.45 Coffee break
5.45-7.00 Escape room – continuation, workshop by Magdalena Wiczyńska-Siwy
7.00-7.15 Closing session some refreshments will be provided during the event
all participants will receive certificates of attendance registration fee: 

40 PLN for non-IATEFL PL members, 

free for IATEFL PL members

registration form:
contact: Małgorzata Bukowska-Ulatowska, limited number of seats

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event! 

Escape room activities are a fun and interactive way to work on the skills kids and teens need. My favourite part about them is that they really encourage critical thinking skills. Students work together and use their collective brain power to solve a variety of puzzles and challenges.     

Magdalena Wiczyńska-Siwy / MeggieHer journey as a teacher begun in 2001, in the meantime she has graduated University of Gdańsk. In 2014 she founded a language school – Say&Play Sopot School of English where she is a leader and director of studies. She has been an educator as well as an animator of cultural events connected with English and American culture. She loves crafts and new challenges.     

 registration fee payment details:
bank account number: 16 1090 1883 0000 0001 0194 5244
account holder: Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce IATEFL Poland,
                        al. Ujazdowska 58E, 59-900 Zgorzelec
transfer description: szkolenie językowo-metodyczne „Educational escape room for your class”, Sopot 6 XII 2019

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