6th webinar – Assessment with 'can-dos’ – to improve the quality of teaching and learning – Elżbieta Jarosz
The webinar is focused on the implementation of an effective ‘can-do’ assessment approach in line with course learning objectives and practical classroom teaching. ‘Can-do’ assessment techniques which help to ensure that curriculum aims are enacted in classroom teaching and the classroom teaching and the real world are brought together are discussed and sample solutions, real examples and practical tips on how ‘can-do’ assessment for learning and of level can influence teaching strategies and facilitate learners’ progress and achievement are offered.
Elżbieta Jarosz is a teacher trainer and academic director at Gama College of English in Krakow. As a member of the Eaquals Certification Panel and an active member of IATEFL Poland and PASE, she consults with schools and institutions to promote the implementation of the CEFR and the principles of good practices of teaching and assessing language competences.