8th webinar – The importance of Personal & Professional Learning Network/s in effective continuous development

The central idea of this webinar is the notion that both creating personal learning network/s and being a part of professional network/s are of key importance to all teachers in 21st century system of education.
Since teaching and learning are like two sides of a coin, inseparable from each other, in order to be a good teacher one needs to be a successful learner first. Effective learning is feasible only if it is a continuous process of interacting with other professionals, in which ideas are exchanged and synergy effect is not only created, but also multiplied.
Being networked is of key importance to all professionally active people in the process of lifelong learning, as it allows them to create new ideas and changes in their environment, rather than just trying to catch up with accelerating change. Moreover, technological development has made ongoing communication and collaboration within professional networks attainable to an average teacher.