32nd  International IATEFL Poland Conference in Wrocław

Warm thanks to the local organizers of the conference in Wrocław and the Department of Foreign Languages Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Public Speaking Contest 2023 –  Grand Finale during 32nd International IATEFL Poland Conference in Wrocław

Congratulations to all 15 participants of the national level of the Public Speaking Contest 2023, which was held on 22 September in Wrocław

The winners are:

Category 1

Michał Kaliszuk, Międzynarodowe Liceum Ogólnokształcące Paderewski w Lublinie (teacher: Diana Chmielewska)

Category 2

Maciej Klimas, III Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im A. Mickiewicza we Wrocławiu, (teacher: Aleksandra Rymarczuk)

Category 3

Laura Snyman, Międzynarodowe Liceum Ogólnokształcące Paderewski w Lublinie (teacher: Diana Chmielewska)

Audience Award: Hanna Benson, I Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Mikołowie (teacher: Krzysztof Bąk)

Many thanks to our esteemed judges: Bethany Cagnol, Magdalena Zawadzka and David Fisher.

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