Becoming a Teacher: Beyond Training – a webinar by Alan Maley
Dear Colleagues,
IATEFL Poland and Alan Maley,
highly regarded, award-winning, internationally-known writer and artist, involved in English Language Teaching (ELT) for over 60 years,
have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar:
“Becoming a Teacher: Beyond Training”
which will take place on Monday, 20th of January 2024, from 16.30 to 17.30 CET.
In a recent discussion, a teacher made this comment, “Now that I’ve finished my teacher training, I know how to teach. But I still don’t know how to be a teacher.” This talk is in part a response to that comment, which goes to the heart of teacher education. The results of an informal inquiry asking experienced teachers to recall a teacher from their past who they had particularly admired, liked and respected and to list the factors which led them to this conclusion. Overwhelmingly, it was personal qualities which dominated – of the five main characteristics only one referred to professional expertise. I shall suggest that acquisition or developing these human characteristics is not susceptible to formal training and suggests a number of possible ways teacher educators can help teachers to acquire indirectly some of what seem to be desirable qualities – activities teachers can do alone and activities they can do with the support of others.
During the webinar all participants will be provided with a certificate of participation, which they will be able to download.
IATEFL Poland members have priority of registration for this webinar.
Do not delay. The number of participants is limited.
Professional profile
Alan Maley
highly regarded, award-winning, internationally-known writer and artist, involved in English Language Teaching (ELT) for over 60 years
Alan Maley has been involved in English Language Teaching (ELT) for over 60 years. He worked for the British Council in Yugoslavia, Ghana, Italy, France, China and India and was the Director of the Bell Educational Trust in Cambridge for 5 years. He later worked in universities in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and UK. Alan has published over 50 books and numerous articles. In the following, Dr. Maley answered our questions on teaching creative writing in academic centers, the relationship between creative writing and language learning, and the status of creative writing in non-English speaking countries.
He is a past President of IATEFL (1988-92) – and is proud to have been in at the beginning of IATEFL Poland.
On behalf of IATEFL Poland
Webinar organisers:
Anna Rogalewicz-Gałucka Chief Administrative Officer | Lucyna Wilinkiewicz-Górniak Kraków Region Representative Webinars’ Coordinator |