

Christmas fun activities for all – a webinar by Urszula Kropaczewska (PhD)

Christmas time is very special for all of us, irrespective of our age and level of English. Therefore, we always look forward to this festive period. The webinar will offer the whole range of fun activities to use during our English lessons, irrespective of our learners’ age and level of advancement, just to make them learn the easy way, while “dreaming of a white Christmas”

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A Few Advent Calendar-Inspired Ideas for Your English Lessons – a webinar by Małgorzata Bukowska-Ulatowska

How can we make December English lessons more exciting by using ideas from both traditional and digital Advent calendars? Join my webinar for a handful of practical tips and creative activities that can be easily adapted to various age groups and language proficiency levels. Discover how to bring the festive spirit into your classroom while keeping your students engaged!

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Public Speaking for Teenagers – What for? Why? How? – a webinar by Marcin Stanowski

Unlocking the potential of every student lies in nurturing their self-confidence and public speaking is a potent tool in this endeavor. In this talk we will delve into the transformative power of public speaking to cater for students’ self-assurance.

Through practical strategies and in-class examples, I will show how to cultivate a supportive environment where students feel empowered to express themselves articulately and confidently. By equipping students with this invaluable skill, not only do we enhance their academic success but also lay the foundation for their future personal and professional growth.

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The Best AI Technology for your Classroom is You – a webinar by Rob Howard

Many are turning to AI and technology as a teaching tool to try and keep up. There is a frenzy to adopt AI technology for the classroom. The fact is, there is no recent research demonstrating that using AI, technology or even gamification enhances learning or retention. Turning on tech might just be turning off your learners. Working with apps in the classroom will have a profound effect on our future. On top of that, we are not only showing students the power of AI as a teaching tool, but we are training these AI apps to be better than us. So before you hit that switch, come hear why you may be the best tool for your classroom.

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Dyslexia in the EFL classroom. Dos and Don’ts – a webinar by Vicky Kaperoni

This webinar is designed for EFL educators who wish to deepen their understanding of dyslexia and learn actionable strategies to support their students’ success. With a combination of theory and hands-on tips, this session will prepare you to tackle the challenges of teaching dyslexic students in EFL classrooms and foster a positive, productive learning experience for all.

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AI as an ESL Teacher Assistant – a webinar by Dorota Neal

Enhancing Language Learning with Modern AI Tools 1. Custom GPTs for ESL Education: – How to create tailored AI models to assist with specific language learning needs – Use cases in generating lesson materials, teaching vocabulary, grammar, and conversation practice 2. Microsoft Copilot and Claude: advantages and disadvantages 3. Suno and AI Song Generators – Creating personalized songs to teach vocabulary and grammar through music – Enhancing language retention using melody and rhythm in learning 3. elevenlabs and Advanced Text-to-Speech Technologies – Transforming written materials into natural-sounding speech – Improving listening comprehension and pronunciation with AI-generated voices.

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Are your learners real-world ready? How the global skills-based economy will be impacting your curricula. – a webinar by Marianna Goral

Changes to work and a global imperative for upskilling is seeing a shift in learner profiles and greater ties between education and work. English is often the lingua franca of business and is becoming a global requirement for all sectors of industry at all levels in organisations. This trend has precipitated an on-going rise in industry-specific English language courses and alongside this a focus on developing practical skills for the workplace.

As more employers look for ‘all-round’ employees who can combine technical expertise and soft skills, continual work-related curricula with integrated work and learning components are a critical design feature of any English language lesson.

Developing learners who are real-world ready means preparing them to use English effectively and confidently not just inside the classroom but helping them develop key skills, knowledge and behaviours for the workplace.

This presentation will explore the extent to which employment is driving the future of English language learning and how teachers can prepare for this on-going global shift.

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