Classroom Confessions: What Happens when You Return to Teaching – a webinar by Jennifer Uhler
Dear Colleagues,
IATEFL Poland and Jennifer Uhler, Regional English Language Officer at U.S. Department of State
have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar
“Classroom Confessions: What Happens when You Return to Teaching“
Ever wondered what would happen if the director were in the classroom more often? After more than a decade as a language program administrator, the presenter will share her transformational return to the classroom, resulting in rich insights about instructional materials, preparation, motivation, language, and community. Teachers and administrators will take away key principles and free resources!
Short Bio
Jennifer Uhler
Jennifer Uhler is a Regional English Language Officer based Tallinn and collaborates with U.S. Embassies to support programs that promote quality English teaching and learning. Jennifer has taught in various U.S. and international settings as a teacher and teacher educator. Her professional interests include technology, content-based instruction, and language policy.