Think Globally, Act Locally: Why
Jen MacArthur
Please note: I am happy to do this session as a plenary OR to do this as a talk. There are tensions of geography inherent in English language teaching, just as there are in environmental debates. How has English spread? Whose English are we teaching/learning? Which circle is one in? Which cultures are the target cultures? Where are our textbooks produced? Where will students use their English in the future? Through exploring ideas of place-based education and highlighting the experiences of teachers from Poland and the wider region who participated in three summer 2024 programs organized by the RELO office in Poland, Hungary, and Romania, this session will advocate for using the local environment/community as a resource in the English language classroom, without losing sight of the bigger, global picture.
Jen MacArthur is the Regional English Language Officer (RELO) for Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova, based at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw. Jen was previously RELO in Rabat, Belgrade, Islamabad, and Mexico City. Before becoming a RELO, Jen taught at the University of Bucharest and the University of Vaasa (Finland) and taught English as a Second Language and Social Studies at the elementary and high school levels in Washington, DC and in her home state of Maine. In her free time, Jen tries to learn languages, grows things on her balcony, and knits socks.
Presentation Details
Type of presentation: Plenary
The presentation is for: General audience
The presentation focuses on: Various
The session is: A balanced mixture of theory and practice
Category: Global Issues in English Language Teaching
Presentation is commercial: No
Speaking on behalf of a publisher, examination board, or commercial organisation? No
Scheduled for
Date: Sunday, 2024-09-22, 09:00 - 10:00
Place: AUD 1P NE