Resources for Teachers and Learners from the U.S. Embassy Warsaw/U.S. Consulate General Krakow

Jen MacArthur, Marzena Polak (U.S. Embassy Warsaw)


The U.S. Department of State has 26 Regional English Language Offices in U.S. Embassies around the world, supporting public diplomacy and cultural exchange. Did you know that one of these offices is now located in Warsaw? In this session we will share information about online professional development opportunities, free materials, professional and academic exchanges between Poland (and the region) and the United States, as well as upcoming opportunities. Come learn what we do, tell others about your experience with our programs, and bring us your new ideas!


Jen MacArthur is the Regional English Language Officer (RELO) for Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova, based at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw. Jen was previously RELO in Rabat, Belgrade, Islamabad, and Mexico City. Before becoming a RELO, Jen taught at the University of Bucharest and the University of Vaasa (Finland) and taught English as a Second Language and Social Studies at the elementary and high school levels in Washington, DC and in her home state of Maine. In her free time, Jen tries to learn languages, grows things on her balcony, and knits socks.

Presentation Details

Type of presentation: Talk
The presentation is for: General audience
The presentation focuses on: Various
The session is: Theoretical introduction / overview of the subject
Category: Teacher Training and Development, including Teacher’s Self-Care and Resilience
Presentation is commercial: No
Speaking on behalf of a publisher, examination board, or commercial organisation? No

Scheduled for

Date: Saturday, 2024-09-21, 18:20 - 19:00
Place: NE 204