Integrating Art into the Language Arts Curriculum

Tanya Aviv Stein ETAI Israel


The workshop demonstrates how to utilize and incorporate the arts into teaching English. Come prepared to learn while having fun!


Tanya Aviv Stein is an elementary school teacher and artist. Tanya has taught at language schools and university. She is on the board for ETAI, and a member of IATEFL, TESOL, and TESOL Greece. She has many friends at IATEFL Poland and is excited to present again at the conference.

Presentation Details

Type of presentation: Talk
The presentation is for: General audience
The presentation focuses on: Primary
The session is: Theoretical introduction / overview of the subject
Category: Drama, Art, Literature and Culture in Language Education
Presentation is commercial: No
Speaking on behalf of a publisher, examination board, or commercial organisation? No

Scheduled for

Date: Friday, 2024-09-20, 13:10 - 13:50
Place: NE 204