Addressing Eco-issues in the ELT classroom as an example of dealing with sustainable development goals and global issues.
Hanna Kryszewska
The ELT curriculum is increasingly broader now including among others CLIL, learner autonomy and self-directed learning, wellbeing, the 4Cs, ICT or mediation. Add global issues, sustainability issues and Agenda 2030, and it may seem too much. In this plenary we will look at ways to seamlessly introduce Eco-issues (in various age groups), what actions to take through projects, how to engage as teachers, and what we can learn from NGO’s. Dealing with Eco-issues serves in this plenary as an example of how we may deal with the various seventeen sustainable development goals.
Hanna Kryszewska is a freelance teacher, teacher trainer of both pre-service and in-service teachers, and trainer of trainers. She is co-author of resource books: Learner Based Teaching, OUP, Towards Teaching, Heinemann, The Standby Book, CUP, Language Activities for Teenagers, CUP, The Company Words Keep, DELTA Publishing, of a language course for secondary schools: ForMat, Macmillan, a video based teacher training course: Observing English Lessons and asynchronous online TT courses for Orient BlackSwan, India. She is a trainer for Oxford Teacher Academy and Pilgrims Teacher Training, as well as editor of Humianising Language Teaching online Magazine. She has trained teachers and presented at conferences throughout Europe and beyond, and she has published extensively in ELT magazines and journals.
Presentation Details
Type of presentation: Plenary
The presentation is for: General audience
The presentation focuses on: Various
The session is: A balanced mixture of theory and practice
Category: Global Issues in English Language Teaching
Presentation is commercial: No
Speaking on behalf of a publisher, examination board, or commercial organisation? Yes, No
Scheduled for
Date: Sunday, 2024-09-22, 14:20 - 15:20
Place: AUD 1L NE