Formative vs Summative Assessment - knowledge vs creativity
Anna Przybyło, Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska
The questions about grading are the most common among teachers. How do we test the students? Should we test them? How do we know that it is the right time to test? What about skills? How do we know that students are ready to take action based on the knowledge gained during the past lessons? During this talk, we would like to share with you the strategies of assessing the students starting from formative assessment and finishing with the amazing strength of summative assessment. The presentation supported with the photos and videos from our classes will be a great source of inspiration!
Anna Przybyło - I completed my Master's degree in History at the Jagiellonian University, followed by a Bachelor's and Master's degree in English Philology. I also finished postgraduate studies in "Educational Management." For several years, I was an English teacher at one of Kraków's integrative schools and preschools. Since 2010, I have been running my own language school, where my team and I primarily support children from rural areas. I have been working at Open Future International School since 2018. Currently, I hold the positions of Deputy Head of the Primary School and Methodological Director, where I mainly focus on the development of teachers, communication with parents, and the well-being of students. I continuously serve as an English, History, and Civics (taught in English) teacher. I am constantly working on improving the education system not only in our school. In 2020, I began my doctoral studies in the Faculty of Pedagogy. My research focuses on the reconstructive competencies of both teachers and students. I share my practical knowledge through numerous presentations, training sessions, and international conferences. I am also the author of scholarly articles on methodological topics. My motto in work and life is Albert Einstein's words: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," which is why I am a constantly searching teacher. Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska - Founder and CEO of the WorldLINK Foundation, Deputy Head at Open Future International High School in Kraków, Poland; IBDP Geography Teacher, Alumna of the Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program at Nebraska University with the U. S. State Department, Ambassador of English Teaching Program in Poland, the board member of the Alumni Association, participated in an outstanding program Vital Voices Chapter of Poland, World-class Leadership Advanced Program from the heart of Poland guided by Professor Cezary Wójcik, awarded the Medal of the Commission of Polish National Education and the European Language Label certificate for her service. A global education and travel zealot. Global Teacher of Year 2022 Recipient.
Presentation Details
Type of presentation: Talk
The presentation is for: General audience
The presentation focuses on: Various
The session is: A balanced mixture of theory and practice
Category: Language Assessment, including Evaluation and Testing
Presentation is commercial: No
Speaking on behalf of a publisher, examination board, or commercial organisation? No
Scheduled for
Date: Sunday, 2024-09-22, 10:10 - 11:10
Place: NE 232