How to give your FIRST conference presentation? Some last-minute tips and tricks
Grzegorz Śpiewak IATEFL Poland
As the title promises, this is a highly practical, how-to workshop, for anyone who is about to make their very first conference appearance as a speaker at this year's IATEFL PL conference. Given that you'll be presentating the very next day (or the day after), it's going to be too late to rethink your session concept and content (so we'll asume it's great). But it's certainly not goin to be too late to give your slides - and possibly your script - a once over, that very night, in your hotel room, taking advantage of what I have learnt over the years as a presenter, and then as a mentor to other presenters, at events large or small. So, come along and take your pick of some of these tricks of the presenter's trade, and make your Gdansk debut truly memorable for you and your participants.
Teacher, teacher trainer, project manager, adviser, materials reviewer and author. Former academic lecturer (English Dept, University of Warsaw, and subsequently The New School for Social Research, New York). Former IATEFL Poland president, currently on its Board of Advisers. Hea_ ELT Consultant for Macmillan Education Poland, Central & Eastern Europe. President of DOS-ELTea, an independent teacher development centre. Nominated for British Council ELTON award 2016 (DOS-ELTea Teacher Trainer Academy). Winner of two European Language Label awards: 2016 (Youngster programme – Macmillan) and 2012 (deDOMO – English for Parents).
Presentation Details
Type of presentation: Talk
The presentation is for: Inexperienced audience
The presentation focuses on: Various
The session is: Practical solutions presentation / exchange of practical ideas
Category: 21st Century Skills and Employability, including Learning Skills and Presentation & Public Speaking Skills
Presentation is commercial: No
Speaking on behalf of a publisher, examination board, or commercial organisation? Yes, IATEFL POLAND
Scheduled for
Date: Friday, 2024-09-20, 15:10 - 16:10
Place: NE 207