Co-Creation WORKshop for Professional Growth in ELT

Sergii Petrenko


The workshop focuses on professional growth opportunities for English language teachers through CPD, coaching and/or mentoring, in which attendees will actively participate in co-creation activities. By the end of the session, they will be able to: - Identify the limitations of a teaching environment that lacks coaching, mentoring, and professional development; - Develop an action plan for self-directed professional development; and - Advocate for change within their institutions.


Serhii Petrenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), TESOL-Ukraine Newsletter Editor, teacher trainer. He holds Cambridge English Level 7 Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Delta), has organized and participated in multiple projects, conferences, trainings and webinars, e.g. United Business Community Project (2022), "English as a Medium of Instruction" (2021-2024), "Basics of E-Course Design" (2021), Mevlana Academic Staff Mobility Programme Instructor (2016), "Critical Thinking for English Language Teaching (EFL) Curriculum" (2011), etc. He has facilitated British Council's courses "Developing Teaching Skills in ESP" for university ESP teachers (2021-2022) and "Teaching in a New Context" for English teachers of grades 5-9 (2022-2023), and taught English for Patrol Police of Ukraine. He has presented at TESOL International Conventions in the U.S. (2016-2024). At his alma mater, he has been teaching ESP, EAP and Academic Writing to students of political science, public administration, history, archival science, archaeology, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and military specialties. His hobbies are marathon/ halfmarathon running, chess, and travelling.

Presentation Details

Type of presentation: Workshop
The presentation is for: General audience
The presentation focuses on: Adult
The session is: Practical solutions presentation / exchange of practical ideas
Category: Teacher Training and Development, including Teacher’s Self-Care and Resilience
Presentation is commercial: No
Speaking on behalf of a publisher, examination board, or commercial organisation? No

Scheduled for

Date: Sunday, 2024-09-22, 11:30 - 12:30
Place: NE 207