Abraham Lincoln from failure to success
Arkadiusz Zaborowski
Abraham Lincoln life as a rags-to-riches story of man who achieved extreme success and become the president of the United States of America against all odds. Incentive speech and storytelling about 40 minutes long either in English or Polish
Arkadiusz Zaborowski English teacher, and public speaker interested in British and American history, is currently employed as a teacher of English, History and Citizenship in SP 127 Warsaw
Presentation Details
Type of presentation: Talk
The presentation is for: General audience
The presentation focuses on: Various
The session is: Theoretical introduction / overview of the subject
Category: English Language Teaching Management and Leadership
Presentation is commercial: No
Speaking on behalf of a publisher, examination board, or commercial organisation? No
Scheduled for
Date: Saturday, 2024-09-21, 18:20 - 19:00
Place: NE 230