TikTok in the EFL Classroom

Boglárka Spissich TESOL Hungary


Do you speak GenZ? In this workshop participants will have the chance to familiarize themselves with the popular application, TikTok, and to explore its usefulness in EFL education. Besides useful tips and already created tasks, teachers can use their creativity and brainstorm potential activities. The workshop will mainly focus on how to improve listening and speaking skills by motivating learners with social media, both in- and out-of-classroom contexts.


Boglárka Spissich is a PhD candidate at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest in the Language Pedagogy and English Applied Linguistics program. Her main research interest is EFL learning and teaching with the help of films and social media, focusing on the use of well-known applications. As Vice-President of Tesol-Hungary, she takes part in organising events for EFL teachers and regularly participates in conferences. She is currently involved in teaching at various language schools, catering to different age groups.

Presentation Details

Type of presentation: Workshop
The presentation is for: General audience
The presentation focuses on: Various
The session is: Practical solutions presentation / exchange of practical ideas
Category: New Technologies in English Language Teaching and Learning
Presentation is commercial: No
Speaking on behalf of a publisher, examination board, or commercial organisation? No

Scheduled for

Date: Saturday, 2024-09-21, 18:20 - 19:00
Place: NE 231