A well of well-being

Katarzyna Dyniak


Whichever data or research we look at, we will see that teaching is one of the most stressful professions. But we don't need research for that, we know it more than well. This workshop is 100% practice. To see how we can deal with our everyday stress, to practise relaxation techniques, and to experience how we can deal with anxiety or anger.


Katarzyna Dyniak I have been in the teaching profession for more than 20 years now. During this time I have taught all age groups, and all levels. I have taught general English, Business English, and English for kids. For more than 10 years now I have been the deputy manager at the Medical University in Łódź. I also teach English Philology students at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw. I specialize in the area of Medical English, I love teaching grammar, and I enthusiastically explore new technologies in education. But my real passion has become the well-being and self-care of teachers, very often neglected and so much needed.

Presentation Details

Type of presentation: Workshop
The presentation is for: General audience
The presentation focuses on: Various
The session is: Practical solutions presentation / exchange of practical ideas
Category: Teacher Training and Development, including Teacher’s Self-Care and Resilience
Presentation is commercial: No
Speaking on behalf of a publisher, examination board, or commercial organisation? No

Scheduled for

Date: Saturday, 2024-09-21, 17:30 - 18:10
Place: NE 206