
Cutting-Edge Digital Tools for Modern Classrooms – a webinar by Ron Mukerji

Dear Colleagues,

IATEFL Poland and Ron Mukerji, ELT specialist, educator, and trainer,

have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar:

Cutting-Edge Digital Tools for Modern Classrooms

which will take place on Wednesday, 27th of November 2024, from 20.30 to 21.30 CET.


Discover the latest digital innovations transforming English Language Teaching. This presentation unveils essential tools that boost engagement, streamline lesson planning, and enhance student outcomes. Elevate your teaching with technology, save time, and make learning more interactive and fun for your students!

During the webinar all participants will be provided with a certificate of participation, which they will be able to download.

IATEFL Poland members have priority of registration for this webinar.

Do not delay. The number of participants is limited.

Professional profile

Ron Mukerji

ELT specialist, educator and trainer


ELT specialist, educator and trainer A freelance ELT consultant with over 25 years of experience in the world of ELT as a teacher, teacher trainer, content writer, corporate trainer and academic manager. Is involved in running Teacher Training workshops across Poland and Europe. Known for his work in using technology to enhance feedback, teaching in class & online as well as blended learning. A strong believer in education for all focusing on FREE digital tools.


On behalf of IATEFL Poland

Webinar organisers:

 Anna Rogalewicz-Gałucka
Chief Administrative Officer
Lucyna Wilinkiewicz-Górniak
Kraków Region
Representative Webinars’ Coordinator