Early Spring Teacher Training Day 13 March Toruń.

Foreign Languages Centre of the Nicolaus Copernicus University and IATEFL Poland have the pleasure to invite you to:
Early Spring Teacher Training Day
on 13th March 2020.
The venue: Foreign Languages Centre (address: Gagarina 11) – room 11.
We start at 10:30
The speakers:
Susan Holden Originally trained to teach Drama in UK schools, Susan Holden has a long and variedexperience as a teacher, teacher trainer, magazine editor (MET), author and publisher for both international and regional markets. She is currently based in Scotland, where she runs a small publishing and materials development company, Swan Communication. Recent and current titles include (as publisher) ’The Non-Native Teacher’, Peter Medgyes 2017 and (as author with Vinicius Nobre) ‘Teaching English Today: Contexts and Objectives’ 2019.
- Using projects to build personal, organisational and presentation skills (teens and adults) (10:30 – 12:00)
- Choosing, adapting and producing materials (all levels/age groups) (12:15 – 13:45)
Marta Nowak, based at the University of Warsaw, where she runs courses of Academic Writing. Shealso teaches English for Academic Purposes at the University of Durham in Great Britain. She specialises in teaching academic writing and academic skills. She is a Cambridge and IELTS coach and examiner.
3. Pathway to EAP (14:00 – 15:30)
Podczas prezentacji opowiemy o tym czym jest EAP (English for Academic Purposes) i gdzie się znajduje na mapie nauczania języka angielskiego na uczelniach. Przedstawimy różnice pomiędzy nauczaniem General English, ESP (English for Specific Purposes) a EAP. Porozmawiamy również o potrzebie rozwoju umiejętności akademickich wśród studentów, takich jak krytyczne myślenie, odróżnianie opinii od faktów, czy ewaluacja źródeł i o naszej roli w tym procesie. Zaprezentujemy w jaki sposób możemy stopniowo i ciekawie wyposażać studentów w narzędzia pozwalające im na większą autonomię i bardziej świadomy rozwój w nauce w języku angielskim tak aby mogli samodzielnie używać źródeł naukowych. Ćwiczenia doskonalące umiejętności akademickie będą oparte na przykładach z podręcznika Pathways.
We’ll be happy to
see you.
The event is free for IATEFL Poland members.
Non-IATEFL members: 20 PLN
Student fee: 10 PLN
The registration fee should be paid by 11.03.2020 directly into IATEFL Poland’s bank account:
Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce IATEFL Poland
Aleja Ujazdowska 58E, 59-900 Zgorzelec
Bank account no.: 16 1090 1883 0000 0001 0194 5244
Transfer name: “Szkolenie IATEFL Poland – Toruń 13.03.2020”+ NIP number (of the invoice recipient)
If you transfer money from a personal bank account, please give the NIP number of the institution the invoice must be issued to.
IMPORTANT: You cannot change invoice information once the fee payment is made. For detailed information please refer to: https://iatefl.org.pl/nowe-zasady-wystawiania-faktur/
All workshop participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Refreshments will be provided during breaks.
How to get to the venue:
For participants using public transport, the nearest stop is ‘AULA UMK ’ (tram line: 1, bus lines: 15, 17, 25, 26, 28, 34, 36 and 40).
Please confirm your attendance by e-mail to Anna Hućko (IATEFL Poland Toruń Region Representative): anna.hucko@iatefl.org.pl by Wednesday 11th March 2020 at the latest