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ELT Ireland 8th Annual Conference 2022 Report

ELT Ireland

8th Annual Conference


Title: A New Beginning?

The Conference took place in Griffith College in Dublin. 120 participants – organizers, teachers, educators and publishers met to spend two days to share experience.

The plenary of the first day was led by Michelle Hunter, who was talking about how people feel and react when they experience a new beginning.

Then, 18 different sessions were offered, including teaching English to young learners (Sylvia Dolakova),  teaching grammar (Ilona Sostronekova), teaching culture (Ivana Stiglec), developing speaking skills (Debbie West)

Debbie West started the other day with her thrilling talk about personal stories we, teachers, can create, and we, teachers, can make our students to create.

Then, 11 different talks were provided, including presenting tips to help students decode authentic speech (Shaun Sweeney), teaching mixed-ability classes (Sara Magdi Abdelaziz Soliman), and my own presentation, titled Teaching with the brain in mind.

While the breaks, I had a chance to talk to different teachers from different countries, to publishers and members of organizations. We could share our experience and knowledge and opinions.