English as a business lingua franca – recent research and implications – a webinar by Evan Frendo
Dear Colleagues,
IATEFL Poland and Evan Frendo, a freelance trainer, teacher trainer and author,
have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar
“English as a business lingua franca – recent research and implications”
Research into English as a business lingua franca continues to play an influential role in ESP and business English teaching, and many trainers find it hard to keep up to date with developments. In this session I will summarize some recent research, and discuss what implications there are, if any, for trainers and their clients.
Professional profile
Evan Frendo
Evan is a British freelance trainer, teacher trainer and author based in Berlin, Germany. He has been active in Business English and English for Specific Purposes since 1993, mostly in the corporate sector. A keen supporter of teacher associations, he has been chair of his local association (ELTABB), as well as coordinator of IATEFL BESIG, an international community of Business English teachers. Evan is a frequent speaker at conferences, and (before COVID-19) used to travel regularly in Europe and Asia to run courses or to work as a consultant. He has authored or co-authored around 30 books, the most recent of which is The 6 Principles for exemplary teaching of English learners: Academic and other specific purposes (TESOL, 2020). You can find more information at www.e4b.de.
On behalf of IATEFL Poland
Webinar organisers:
Lucyna Wilinkiewicz-Górniak
Webinars’ Coordinator
Kraków Region Representative