From „Notworking” to Networking – What IATEFL Poland Offers You – a webinar by Rob Howard
Dear Colleagues,
IATEFL Poland and Rob Howard, IATEFL Poland Vice-President, owner of Business Language Training Institute, Joint Coordinator of the IATEFL BESIG
have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar
It will be the final webinar in 22/23 series, and we will be celebrating the end of the school/academic year!
This webinar is titled:
„From „Notworking” to Networking – What IATEFL Poland Offers You„
You have been going it alone for years. Since 2020, the teachers’ room isn’t what it used to be. Online webinars are great for learning, social media if fine for chatting, but we are social beings with the need for contact and to connect to others physically. IATEFL Poland gives the perfect opportunity by gathering dozens, hundreds, and over a thousand like-minded professionals like yourself the chance to come together and learn, share, and network face-to-face. Come see why by missing the upcoming conference, you will miss out on being a part of the future of English teaching.
Professional profile
Rob Howard
IATEFL Poland Vice-President
Owner of Business Language Training Institute,
Joint Coordinator of the IATEFL BESIG
Rob Howard is IATEFL Poland Vice-President, the owner of Online Language Center and Business Language Training Institute and founder of EFLtalks. He is a teacher, writer and trainer on Business English, Teacher Development, Entrepreneurship, and teaching online. He is Joint Coordinator of the IATEFL BESIG, Gallery Teachers Masterclass presenter, iTDi TOEFL course trainer, as well as co-founder of the Independent Authors & Publishers. Nominated for the 2016 British Council’s ELTon Award.
On behalf of IATEFL Poland
Webinar organisers:
Lucyna Wilinkiewicz-Górniak
Webinars’ Coordinator
Kraków Region Representative