
Learning blockers! Let’s Identify them! – a webinar by Maria-Araxi Sachpazian

Dear Colleagues,

IATEFL Poland and Maria-Araxi Sachpazian, Maria-Araxi Sachpazian, Educational Consultant, Owner Input on Education/ Lecturer CITY COLLEGE
at The University of York Europe Campus

have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar:

Learning blockers! Let’s Identify them!

which will take place on Wednesday, 8th of January 2025, from 20.30 to 21.30 CET.


Learning is an act of curiosity and starts with curiosity, it is accentuated through observation and finally through exposure to information humans are led to actual acquisition. There are, of course, limitations. For example, how the information is organised makes a difference. Second, we are social beings, so our learning is social too. We love constructing knowledge with others and we thrive on feedback. In general, others play a part in our learning. Still, learning is personal, arduous and determined by motivation and personal engagement. Contrary to that, teachers these days are faced with lack of (intrinsic) motivation, limited and fluctuating student engagement and lack of student response all of which contribute to block learning. This session aims to identify learning blockers and to suggest simple steps teachers can take to facilitate student learning.

During the webinar all participants will be provided with a certificate of participation, which they will be able to download.

IATEFL Poland members have priority of registration for this webinar.

Do not delay. The number of participants is limited.

Professional profile

Maria-Araxi Sachpazian

Educational Consultant, Owner Input on Education/ Lecturer CITY COLLEGE at The University of York Europe Campus


Maria-Araxi Sachpazian is an EFL Teacher and a Lecturer in the Department of Humanities of CITY College, University of York Europe Campus. She is the Managing Director of Input on Education. Maria’s interests lie in materials’ evaluation and adaptation, digital teaching, and the construction of teacher identity. She is the Secretary to the Board of Trustees of IATEFL and the Interim Controller of TESOL Macedonia-Thrace, Northern Greece (Soon to be ELTA NG)


On behalf of IATEFL Poland

Webinar organisers:

 Anna Rogalewicz-Gałucka
Chief Administrative Officer
Lucyna Wilinkiewicz-Górniak
Kraków Region
Representative Webinars’ Coordinator