
Making it personal: Letting Students Lead – a webinar by Beth Ellen Barry

Dear Colleagues,

IATEFL Poland and Beth Ellen Barry, an English Language Fellow at the Pedagogical University of Krakow,

have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar

„Making it personal: Letting Students Lead”


Trying to address the motivational issues and increase the espirt de corps of her rebounding COVID-19 classes, Beth Barry assigned what she hoped would be an opening-up opportunity for her students. Little did she realize when she assigned „What is your favorite song?” as a discussion class stimulant, her students would pour themselves out to each other in a controlled but highly creative manner. Similarly, students dove into an assignment that involved drawing significant moments in their lives which stimulated deeper questioning. In this webinar, Beth Barry shares how giving students a stake in classroom content invites greater student participation and builds enthusiasm for continued study.

During the webinar all participants will be provided with a certificate of participation, which they will be able to download.

IATEFL Poland members have priority of registration for this webinar.

Do not delay. The number of participants is limited.

Professional profile

Beth Ellen Barry is a 2001 Master of Arts in Teaching graduate from School for International Training (SIT) in Brattleboro, Vermont.   In 1992, while studying for her teaching license, she volunteered to teach newly arrived immigrants survival English through a program sponsored by the Mennonite church in Harrisonburg, Virginia.  Unbeknownst to her, that opportunity would lead to 30 years of living and working abroad and in the United States as a TESOL professional.  Ms. Barry is a tenured Hawaii public schools’ teacher with the distinction of „highly qualified” to teach not only TESOL but also English language and literature and is licensed in Hawaii, California, Alaska as well as the United Kingdom where she earned Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Currently Beth E.  Barry is an English Language Fellow at the Pedagogical University of Krakow and is being sponsored by the United States Department of State and Georgetown University.


On behalf of IATEFL Poland

Webinar organisers:

Anna Rogalewicz-Gałucka

Chief Administrative Officer


Lucyna Wilinkiewicz-Górniak

Webinars’ Coordinator

Kraków Region Representative


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