Public Speaking Contest 2024 – Warsaw
The regional level of the 9th Public Speaking Contest in Central Region was held at XXVII Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Tadeusza Czackiego in Warsaw on the 7th June 2024.
Organisers are indebted to Anna Koszycka and Bogumiła Swoboda who so kindly host this competition in their institution for the 6th time.
We are looking forward to the continuation of this fruitful cooperation.
It goes without saying that this edition would not be possible without the strong support from the Contest’s Patrons: Mazowieckie Samorządowe Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Warszawie and Marszałek Województwa Mazowieckiego Adam Struzik.
The competition brought together 16 participants from schools across Mazovia.
These gifted students mesmerized the audience with their insightful presentations on this year’s theme.
Participants captivated everyone with their expressive speeches, intricate rhetorical techniques, and persuasive arguments. The competition was both amicable and intense, with excitement mounting until the very end.
Congratulations to all the participants for their exceptional performances, and a special commendation to the winners who truly stood out.
We extend our sincere appreciation to the teachers who dedicated their time and energy to guiding these outstanding students.
A special thank you goes to our esteemed jury members, Danuta Sołtyska (IATEFL Poland), Wioletta Bielecka (IATEFL Poland), and Jerzy Gzula (Toastmasters Poland), whose expertise and thoughtful deliberations were crucial in selecting the winners.
Our sincere thanks go to our sponsors MM Publications Polska i Marszałek Województwa Mazowieckiego Adam Struzik for providing prizes for the winners and gadgets for the participants.
Category I
Ist place – Quvvatalizoda Muhammad – Klasa 6 Szkoła Podstawowa nr 127 im. Henryka Sienkiewicza w Warszawie
Teacher: Arkadiusz Zaborowski
IInd place – Konstanty Wasiński – Klasa 6 Szkoła Podstawowa nr 127 im. Henryka Sienkiewicza w Warszawie
Teacher: Arkadiusz Zaborowski
Category II
Ist place – Zuzanna Maszkiewicz – IX Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Klementyny Hoffmanowej
Teacher: Katarzyna Zúñiga
IInd place – Tomasz Kośla – Technikum Mechatroniczne nr 1 w Warszawie
Teacher: Joanna Kossakowska
IIIrd place – Daria Olszewska – Zespół Szkół w Tłuszczu
Teacher: Magdalena Sulich
Category III
Ist place – Julia Suska – IX Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Klementyny Hoffmanowej
Teacher: Katarzyna Zúñiga
IInd place – Gloria Burzyńska – Chrześcijańskie Liceum Samuel
Teacher: Amanda Pecyna
IIIrd place – Yasmin Ezzat – I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Wacława Nałkowskiego w Wołominie
Teacher: Beata Piotrowska