Webinar: Save lives and money! Using Commas, Hyphens and Apostrophes Correctly – Background to Teaching Punctuation by Geoff Tranter
Dear Colleagues,
IATEFL Poland and Geoff Tranter
have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar:
Save lives and money! Using Commas, Hyphens and Apostrophes Correctly – Background to Teaching Punctuation
took place on
Wednesday, 3rd March 2021, between 8:30 and 9:30 CET.
Punctuation is not really an issue for many teachers, especially in lower-level courses. The CEFR fails to mention punctuation at A1/A2, and, even at B1, restricts itself to “Spelling, punctuation and layout are accurate enough to be followed most of the time.”
Furthermore, the predominance of emails as a standard form of private and business communication seems to have contributed to diminishing the need for correct punctuation.
However, in higher-level groups greater emphasis is required, and yet many students seem to have little idea of correct punctuation (even in their first language), and often display a lack of interest. This practical workshop will – in a hopefully entertaining way – show practical, easy-to-apply and in many cases humorous techniques to combat these problems by making punctuation relevant and fun!
IATEFL Poland members have priority of registration for this webinar.
Do not delay. The number of participants is limited.
After the webinar all participants will receive a certificate of participation.
geofftranter_certificate03032021Geoff Tranter
Freelance Consultant in the field of Language Training,
Language Testing and Teacher-Training
Within the fields of Language Training, Testing and Teacher-Training, Geoff is particularly interested in:
• English for Specific Purposes, e.g., English for Technical Purposes, English for Business Purposes, Aviation English
• Implementing the content, approach and methodology of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in both language courses and language tests
• Using HUMOUR as a teaching and learning resource in the English language classroom.