SETTING A NEW COURSE for Professional Development
Another first for IATEFL Poland was the new SET A NEW COURSE webathon of Professional Development courses for ELT teachers held online on December 14th, 2024. The idea was to provide our sponsors, exhibitors, and speakers a chance to highlight their offerings to our members and IATEFL Poland listeners. Each speaker had 30 minutes to give an overview of their courses, books, and materials, and to raffle them off to some lucky viewers. Many of the prizes were also doubled by our generous speakers so each winner can offer up an early holiday present by inviting a friend along for free. In total, almost 40,000 pln worth of prizes were given out. Here was the illustrious lineup:
Russell Stannard – Teacher Training Videos
Sanja Čonjagić – SOL (Sharing One Language)
Aby Antochów – Reading and Speaking Club
Boelo van der Pool – Teacher Studio
Kasia Warszyńska – EV Szkolenia
Dorota Neal – Early Stage
Ela Koziol – LANG LTC
Hania Kryszewska & Phil Dexter – Pilgrims
Jayne Bowra & Slavenka Vukovic-Bryan – Languages United
Hugh Dellar – Lexical Lab
The 5-hour event was well attended by over 100 people, and based upon the success, we anticipate holding more of these events in the future. Thanks again for the generosity of all the presenters and their organizations. It truly has made this season of giving a reality.
Rob Howard
IATEFL Poland President