The IATEFL Poland Business English Special Interest Group is organising a one-day online event of talks and workshops focussing on practical aspects of teaching Business English. The presentations will offer useful tips and techniques to enhance their classes – not only for online teaching but also for the return to real, face-to-face classroom situation.
Don’t miss it! All details of content, times and speakers will be on the IATEFL homepage and on Facebook by the middle of the month.
So save the date: Saturday, 12th June, 10.00 – 16.30 hours.
Invite you to the
1st IATEFL Poland Online Business English Event
On Saturday, 12th June 2021:10.00 – 16.30 hours
The IATEFL Poland Business English Special Interest Group is organising a one-day online event of talks and workshops focussing on practical aspects of teaching Business English. The presentations will offer useful tips and techniques to enhance their classes – not only for online teaching but also for the return to real, face-to-face classroom situation. The conference is free of charge and will be on Z0OM.
You can access the programme here. To register click here.
Abstracts and Biodata
Talk 1, 10.30-11.15 – Ron Mukerji
TITLE: Is it enough to teach just language to the business English learner?
When teaching English for Specific Purposes – especially Business English, there’s this never-ending dilemma – should we teach English or should we also teach “Business”. But the post experience teacher is likely far more qualified in “Business” than the teacher. Does that mean the teacher’s responsibility is just the language? I’d like to show what else the teacher can offer and more importantly why that is important.
Ron is a freelance ELT Consultant and Teacher-Trainer with over 25 years’ experience in teaching English at language schools, state schools, Academia. Over 20 years’ experience in language training for business professionals. Currently involved in assessing the quality of teaching in language schools and corporations and evaluating effectiveness, as well as running Teacher Training workshops across Poland and Europe.
Talk 2, 11.30-12.15 – Lucyna Wilinkiewicz-Górniak
Title: Keep teaching – no matter what!
The central idea of this webinar is the notion that successful teaching of business English & business communication is possible in various teaching environments, not only in a traditional, but also in an online or a hybrid classroom. The key to success is well conceived of system of teaching based on a few pillars: beginning (and continuing) with needs’ analysis, creating positive learning-teaching environment to reinforce students’ motivation, continuous assessment enriched by (positive) feedback to provide students with sense of achievement and ongoing process of (positive) communication, in which a teacher inspires students and is inspired by them in return (two-way feedback). In this student-centred approach a teacher should pay very close attention to the implementation of good practices, such as, e.g., transparency and clearly specified rules and requirements.
Lucyna is a senior lecturer in the Foreign Languages Department at Cracow University of Economics and teaches business communication. She is a graduate of the English Philology Department of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and has also studied in the USA (Alliance College) and Holland (European Studies, Tilburg University). Her method of teaching business English and business communication is based on the project approach, where students are expected to implement theoretical knowledge in a project they prepare.
Talk 3, 12.30-13.15 – Andrzej Stęsik
Title: Presentation Skills for Teachers
In some ways the classroom is similar to the presentation room. Can we learn from business presenters and use the same techniques that make them effective? In my session I’m going to look at different techniques that they employ and how we can adapt them to become more effective teachers.
Andrzej has been involved in ELT for over 30 years as a teacher, trainer, consultant and manager. He has been an active IATEFL BESIG member since the mid-1990s. Together with his wife, Ania, he runs INTERSECTION, a professional training center in Poznań, Poland.
Talk 4, 14.00-14.45 – Kasia Warszynska
Title: “Randomize it? -How to Teach BE Using Generators”
2020 is the year of change. We moved our work on-line to stay afloat. How to keep students engaged? Make sure our lessons are above par? Maybe by using random generators? I’ll show you that we can teach on-line in a new and creative way. I’ll tell you about whole lessons based on using various generators. My ideas require little prep time: you can basically sit down, use the recommended page, and start rocking. Although your lesson might seem like randomness, it’ll be quite the opposite!
Kasia is a trainer, both for business English and General English. She is a Teacher trainer and travels around Europe with her signature workshops on teaching lexis and grammar. Creator of Jus’ Say It -How to Teach Pronunciation
Talk 5 15.00-15.45 – Geoff Tranter
Title: “Planning a Business Communication Skills Course”
Imagine the following situation: Your Director of Studies asks you – at short notice – to take over a Business Communication Skills Course. What do you do? Shout for Help? Run through the catalogues of well-known publishing houses? Or design your own course? The last of these three options is not the easiest; in fact it can be quite challenging. Interested? Come along and see how it can be done.
Geoff is a member of the IATEFL Poland Committee ,and the BESIG Coordinator for IATEFL Poland. He teaches at the Technical University in Dortmund, Germany, and has been giving workshops at the Polish annual conferences for nearly twenty years.