
Using flashcards – a webinar by Urszula Kropaczewska (PhD)

Dear Colleagues,

IATEFL Poland, region Krakow and Urszula Kropaczewska (PhD), the Coordinator of Young Learners Special Interest Group in IATEFL Poland

have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar

„Using flashcards”


In this webinar Ula is going to show how to use flashcards and word cards while teaching English to young learners. She will also present her ideas to make lessons involving, exciting, and amusing.

Professional profile

Urszula Kropaczewska (PhD)

The coordinator of Young Learners

Special Interest Group for IATEFL Poland

The teacher trainer, coach, author of the blog and some publications for teachers of English. She is involved in many projects involving teaching kids. Her interest are methods and techniques used while teaching English to young learners, especially those with special individual needs. She organizes and takes part in conferences, workshops, and webinars for teachers in Poland and in other countries. She records her lessons, her telling stories and her making crafts – the films are put on her You Tube Chanel and all the teachers are welcome to use the films freely while working with their kids.


On behalf of IATEFL Poland

Webinar organisers:

Anna Rogalewicz-Gałucka

Chief Administrative Officer


Lucyna Wilinkiewicz-Górniak

Webinars’ Coordinator

Kraków Region Representative


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