Workplace Learning Trends: A new market for teachers – a webinar by Rob Howard
Dear Colleagues,
IATEFL Poland and Rob Howard, Owner of Business Language Training Institute, Joint Coordinator of the IATEFL BESIG
have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar
„Workplace Learning Trends: A new market for teachers„
It is no surprise to business English professionals, but the growing trend in ELT training has been encompassing technical, tactical, and power skills in the English language classroom. As 87% of global business is taking place in English, professionals need much more than intercultural competence and presentation skills as today`s worker must excel within their own Community of Practice.
Professional profile
Rob Howard
Owner of Business Language Training Institute,Joint Coordinator of the IATEFL BESIG
Rob Howard is the owner of Online Language Center and Business Language Training Institute and founder of EFLtalks. He is a teacher, writer and trainer on Business English, Teacher Development, Entrepreneurship, and teaching online. He is Joint Coordinator of the IATEFL BESIG, Gallery Teachers Masterclass presenter, iTDi TOEFL course trainer, and co-founder of the Independent Authors & Publishers. Nominated for the 2016 British Council’s ELTon Award.
Rob Howard
Joint Coordinator