eventseventsTeacher TrainingWestWrocław

Workshop Wrocław –01.04.2023 – REPORT

April 1st, 2023 saw a training session organized by IATEFL PL Region Wroclaw and Teacher Training SIG. It was the first off-line meeting after a 3-year break due to the pandemic. The training, entitled „Do we want obedient or critically thinking students, quiet or rather asking questions?”, was conducted by Marta Bujakowska, an experienced freelance EFL teacher and teacher trainer. She provided the participants with some practical examples of how to encourage students to ask difficult questions in order to develop their critical thinking, helping them to avoid drawing hasty conclusions. The training, attended by 17 IATEFL PL members and friends, was not only an opportunity to exchange experiences on professional topics but also to socialise over some snacks and coffee.