
Z Ambasady USA – rekomendowane materiały online dla nauczycieli j.angielskiego


American English (AE) E-Teacher courses – 8-tygodniowe kursy on-line organizowane przez uniwersytety amerykańskie dla nauczycieli j.angielskiego. Do udziału w programie nominują tylko ambasada i konsulat USA. Osoby zainteresowane udziałem w kursach proszone są o kontakt na adres:

The American English E-Teacher Program offers foreign English teaching professionals the opportunity to take innovative, online university-level classes and online professional development programming for teachers. The courses introduce and explore current methodological concepts and issues in the English as a Foreign Language field, provide an innovative distance-learning experience that uses the latest technology and connect participants with U.S. English language teaching experts and creates a professional network of international colleagues. More details: and

AE E-Teacher program oferuje także udział w bezpłatnych MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses): Oto ich lista:

1. Facilitated Teacher Training MOOCs run for 5 weeks and are facilitated by an instructor. They are designed for non-native English speaking teachers of English. Please click HERE for Teaching Grammar Communicatively, facilitated by World Learning, May 4– June 15, 2020

2. Self-paced Teacher Training MOOCs include the same amount of content but are open for 12 weeks. They are designed for non-native English speaking teachers of English.  Please click HERE for information about the upcoming self-paced teacher training MOOCs. Courses’ themes:

-Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom, provided by Iowa State University

-Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of Culture in an EFL Setting, provided by World Learning

-TESOL Methodology, provided by University of Maryland, Baltimore County

3. Self-paced English Language Acquisition MOOCs are designed for any non-native English speaker looking to improve his or her English language skills, and they focus on specific topics.. Please click HERE for information about our upcoming self-paced ELA MOOCs. Courses’ themes:

-English for Media Literacy, provided by the American English (AE) E-Teacher Program

-English for Journalism, provided by the American English (AE ) E-Teacher Program


Zoom in on America – elektroniczny miesięcznik wydawany przez Konsulat Generalny USA w Krakowie poświęcony w całości Stanom Zjednoczonym: kulturze, przyrodzie, historii i ludziom. Adresowany jest do nauczycieli i uczących się języka angielskiego, którzy chcą także poszerzyć swoją wiedzę o Stanach Zjednoczonych. Archiwalne wydania (od 2004 roku) można znaleźć na stronie:

English Teaching FORUM Magazine – kwartalnik Departamentu Stanu skierowany do nauczycieli j.angielskiego

For English teaching and learning networks globally, English Teaching Forum magazine (FORUM) is the connective tissue bringing together the cutting edge content, methods and research that attracts, engages and links key audiences of English teaching professionals worldwide. FORUM features peer-reviewed articles on English teaching methodologies, course curricula, and instructional resources as well as compelling American English cultural content


Strona internetowa programu English Teaching Departamentu Stanu – ogromne zasoby materiałów do nauki j.angielskiego i rozwoju zawodowego nauczycieli j.angielskiego.

Kanał YouTube strony oferujący materiały video dla nauczycieli i uczniów


Facebook page directed at English teachers

Facebook page directed at English learners

Facebook AE Teacher’s Corner community of practice for readers of Teacher’s Corner articles on American English website. 

Facebook Regional English Language Office in Belgrade for the Balkans, Baltics, and Central Europe provides academic expertise, advice, assistance, and materials to support English language learning and teaching. It works with Public Affairs Sections of U.S. Embassies and Consulates throughout the region to provide professional development opportunities for educators and resources to support English language learning.

Materiały innych agencji rządowych:

The Smithsonian Learning Lab The Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access created the Lab to inspire the discovery and creative use of its digital materials

Smithsonian Education Materials for elementary and high school teachers. The Smithsonian Institution Archives has online versions of its primary sources available to teachers, including diaries, letters, and photographs. The lesson plans and resources below provide ideas about how to use primary sources in the K–12 classroom. There are no restrictions on the use of these materials in the classroom.

NASA Materials for Classroom hundreds of resources such as lesson plans and teaching materials supporting STEM curriculum and providing information on missions, research, programs and services offered by NASA.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Learning and teaching about the environment lesson plans, project ideas, teacher guides and online resources for environmental educators.

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