There is a major distinction to be made between IATEFL Poland and IATEFL. IATEFL Poland (officially Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce) is an associate member of IATEFL and the two are separate entities. IATEFL is a UK charity serving over 200 countries throughout the world. IATEFL Poland serves Poland but boasts its own affiliations with members in over 100 countries.
As an association of IATEFL, IATEFL Poland members in good standing have been offered a discounted membership to IATEFL. IATEFL Poland members may become an annual member to IATEFL as individuals for only £27 instead of £76. Institutions may also join for as little as £213 for four members. For more information, contact us at office@iatefl.org.pl.
Member Benefits and Differences
discounted rates at all IATEFL Poland events, including the annual IATEFL Poland conference. | discounted rates at all IATEFL events, including the annual international conference. |
monthly IATEFL Poland webinars and attendance certificate for those who attend. | monthly IATEFL webinars and attendance certificate for those who attend. |
access to IATEFL Poland webinar recordings, see the vast collection of past webinars. | access to IATEFL webinar recordings, see the vast collection of past webinars. |
access to our Newsletter, see all the past eBulletins. | IATEFL Voices, the bi-monthly publication,monthly eBulletin news and information. |
join one or more of our 6 Special Interest Groups and keep up to date in your area of interest. | join one or more of the 16 Special Interest Groups and keep up to date in your area of interest (requires an additional fee per SIG). |
member-only scholarship opportunities to attend and present at either ours or our affiliates’ conferences. | member-only scholarship opportunities to attend the international conference. |
build your professional network, volunteer on one of the committees. | build your professional network, volunteer on one of the committees. |
vote on who leads the association and have your say. | vote on who leads the association and have your say. |
access to our archives of blog posts and news on our website. | searchable archive of articles, publications, interviews, and webinars. |
reduced Associate rate for IATEFL membership1. | Conference Selections, the publication of presentations made at the IATEFL conference. |
a chance to be a part of the fastest growing teacher association in the EU. | get your work published in an IATEFL publication. |
submit a proposal to speak at a virtual or face-to-face IATEFL Poland event, including the annual conference. | submit a proposal to speak at a virtual or face-to-face IATEFL event, including the international conference. Exclusive member only discounts on a wide range of ELT courses, resources, magazines and journals. |
1In order to become an IATEFL Member under the Associates Individual Membership: You must be a fully paid-up member of Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce IATEFL Poland CONTACT IATEFL Poland to receive further details of registration. |