
Reading Research: English language teachers’ practices and priorities

READING RESEARCH: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS’ PRACTICES AND PRIORITIES. A survey undertaken by Northumbria University and the British Council for all English language teachers, teacher trainers and other ELT professionals.

To what extent do you read research about English language teaching and learning? What kind of publications do you read, how often do you read them, and to what extent does this influence what you do in the classroom? 

Alternatively, perhaps you don’t read research or about research findings? If not, why not, and what, if anything, would make published research more accessible to you? 

We are interested in the opinions and activities of ALL English language teacherswhether you read published research or notwhether you are particularly interested in research findings or not, and wherever in the world you teach English

This is a great chance to make your voice heard. The survey takes around 20 minutes to complete, and all answers are anonymous. Findings will be published in a freely available report later in the year

The survey can be found online at:

 Many thanks,

Graham (Hall)

Northumbria University, UK.

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